

What is the root of unclearly?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is the root of unclearly?
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Unclearly worded. Are you referring to "Law and Order" advocates?

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stammer is to talk unclearly synonym; Sputter,jabber, lurch, splutter, stager antonym; clearly speak

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Question is worded VERY unclearly. Please re-word and re-submit.

In California can a person arrested for narcotics buy narcotics for the police causing others to be arrested?

The question is worded somewhat unclearly, but it sounds like you are describing a "controlled buy" situation... and yes, it is legal.

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Carmela Corren is an Israeli born singer and actress. She had released songs in the 60's, and starred in many films, the style of music she plays would be classified unclearly.

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I will provide 11 words to get you started: disabilitydisappeardisagreedisasterdiscarddischargedisciplediscoverdiscreetdisfiguredishonest