

What is the rotational effect?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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Q: What is the rotational effect?
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Where is the Coriolis Effect the largest?

The Coriolis Effect is strongest at the poles and weakest at the equator. This is because the effect is influenced by the rotation of the Earth, and the rotational speed is greatest at the poles and slowest at the equator.

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yes they are =^_^=

How does rotational inertia effect if size changes but mass doesn't?

Rotational inertia is directly proportional to the mass of an object and to the square of its distance from the axis of rotation. If the size of an object changes but the mass remains the same, the rotational inertia will also change because the distribution of mass relative to the axis of rotation will change.

Opposite the effect of a telescoping ballscrew what is the most efficient way to convert mechanical linear movement into mechanical rotational movement?

By applying a couple away from the centre of the axis of of the body we can produce a torque which in turn produces the mechanical rotational movement.

What two factors determine the strength of the coriolis effect?

The two factors that determine the strength of the Coriolis effect are the rotation speed of the Earth and the latitude of the location. The effect is strongest at the poles and weakest at the equator due to the Earth's rotational speed and curvature.

When divers and acrobats wish to make several somersaultsthey pull their handswhy?

To spin faster. Pulling in extremeties closer to the rotational axis will have that effect.

The deflection of wind due to the Coriolis effect is strongest at?

The deflection of wind due to the Coriolis effect is strongest at the poles and decreases towards the equator. This is because the Coriolis effect is most pronounced at higher latitudes where the rotational speed of the Earth is greatest.

Where is Coriolis effect weakest?

The Coriolis effect is weakest at the equator because the effect is a result of the Earth's rotation, and the rotational speed is slower at the equator compared to higher latitudes. As a result, the Coriolis force is less pronounced near the equator.

What are the rotational symmetries of a heart?

a heart have no rotational symmetry!

What is the rotational symmetry of a trapezoid?

A trapezium does not have rotational symmetry.

The rotational inertia of an object increase as the mass and the distance of the mass from the center of rotation?

Yes, the rotational inertia of an object increases with mass because there is more resistance to change in its rotational motion. Additionally, the rotational inertia increases with the square of the distance from the center of rotation, as mass distributed farther from the axis has a greater effect on the object's rotational inertia.

How many rotational symmetries does a octagon have?

It has 8 rotational symmetry.