It is 155000.
To the nearest thousand, 155000
To the nearest it thousand, it is rounded down to 155000.
It is 155000.
When you round the 9 in the number 9.84 it will round up to the number 10.
It is 155000.
To the nearest thousand, 155000
To the nearest it thousand, it is rounded down to 155000.
It is 155000.
It is 155000.
It is: 155,000 rounded to the thousands place
=ROUND(Number, Number of Digits) Number is the number you are trying to round. Number of Digits is the amount of digits you want to round it to. So for example: =ROUND(41.98662,3) That will give you 41.987 as the answer.
If one were to round the number 12.45 to another number, there are a couple of options. First, one can round the number to 12.5 or one can round the number to 13.