It is divisible, but it will contain decimals. If you meant a whole number (example: 2,5,18,353, etc) Then no, it is not divisible.
0 to 4 round down and 5 to 9 rounds up.The 6 in the ones place will round up the 4 in the tens place, giving 950.The 4 in the tens place will round down, to leave the 9 in the hundreds place as it is, and giving 900.
No, 946 is not a prime number. It is divisible by 2 and 473.
468 and 946 are a couple.
Rounded to the nearest 10, would be 950 Rounded to the nearest 100, would be 900
It is divisible, but it will contain decimals. If you meant a whole number (example: 2,5,18,353, etc) Then no, it is not divisible.
0 to 4 round down and 5 to 9 rounds up.The 6 in the ones place will round up the 4 in the tens place, giving 950.The 4 in the tens place will round down, to leave the 9 in the hundreds place as it is, and giving 900.
No, 946 is not a prime number. It is divisible by 2 and 473.
The expanded form of a number breaks it down into its constituent parts based on its place value. For the number 946, the expanded form would be 900 + 40 + 6. This shows that 946 is composed of 900 hundreds, 40 tens, and 6 ones.
468 and 946 are a couple.
In the context of jewelry, the number 946 is likely a hallmark that indicates the purity of the metal used in the piece. It is most commonly associated with platinum jewelry, indicating that the piece is 94.6% pure platinum. This high level of purity makes the jewelry valuable and durable. It is important to look for such hallmarks when purchasing jewelry to ensure its quality and authenticity.