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The rule is if a number is positive you add them.

EX: 4+4=8

But if the numbers are both negative... you forget the plus sign and just

put the numbers together and use whatever sign they have.

EX: -4-4= -8

you see? you are adding them put if they are negative, they go down the number line. not up. Just picture a number line, if you add a negative number to an already negative number, wouldn't the number go to the left? The answer is yes. Yes it would. :)

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Q: What is the rule for adding 2 negative integers?
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When adding 2 negative integers the answer is?

A negative.

How do you add and subbtract positive and negative integers?

When adding negative integers, you subtract. (2+-1=1) When subtracting negative integers, you add. (2--3=5)

What can you say about sum of two negative integers?

It would stay always stay negative if you're adding 2 negative integers.

What is adding and subtracting integers?

Integers are whole numbers, both positive and negative. Therefore, adding and subtracting integers would be adding and subtracting whole numbers. Examples: 8+2 -8+2 8-2 -8-2

What is a math problem that involves 2 negative integers and a negative answer?

It can be a problem to do with adding or subtracting or exponents.

Why is adding two negative integers always negative?

Say you're adding -2+(-2). Adding negative two is equavilant to subtracting positive two. Both -2+(-2) would be -4. I hope that made sense.

When adding 2 integers will the answer be positive?

When adding two integers, the answer will be positive if both integers are positive, or if one is negative but its absolute value is smaller than the absolute value of the positive integer.

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What are the rules for adding integers?

Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Negative = Negative If it's a negative + a positive, it depends on the numbers. For example: -2 + 1 = -1 -107 + 213 = 106

Is sum of two negative integers always negative and why?

The sum of two negative integers is always negative due to the commutative and associatve property. In other words, summing or adding two negative numbers results in a larger scalar negative number. ex -1 + -1 = -2

What is the rule for adding integers with different signs?

If it is two negative numbers then you add: ex: -7 + -5 = -12 If it is two different signs, then you subtract: ex: -8 + 2 = -6 Can you see which one is the larger absolute value? 8 is larger than 2 so it is negative.

What is the definition of adding and subtracting integers?

adding and subtracting integers is when you add and minus 2 numbers