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Is the sum of the digits a multiple of 9?

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Q: What is the rule for divide by 9?
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What is the quotient rule to divide 45 to 5?

45 / 5 = 9 The quotient is 9

What were the salami tactics?

Divide and conquer also known as divide and rule were the tactics that Salami used. The Salami tactics were divide and rule or rather divide conquer.

What type of colonial rule did British have on India?

divide and rule

8000,4000,2000,1000,500, , Rule?

divide by 2

What is 45 divide 9?

45 divide 9 = 5

What is 9 divide by 2025?

9 divide by 2025 = 0.0044444444444444444

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34 divide 9 = 3.7777777777777777

what is the rule of math?

The first rule of math is to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

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How does 9 9 9 and 9 go into 24?

If you divide 24 by 9 then mulitply by 9 then divide 9 again then muitply by 9 again ^.^

What number has a remainder of 9 when you divide it by 10and 8 when you divide it by 9 and 7 when divide it by 8?


Who practiced divide and rule?

Dividing an area for political purpose and rule it properly is called "Divide and rule". This concept is taken first from the Jews to Muslim. This principle is used in Bangla precedence during the time of British rule in India subcontinent.