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If you mean slope - y intercept form ... Y = mX + b, where b is the y intercept and m is the slope ...

b is a point on the y axis --- 5 becomes the point (5,0).

m is a slope best thought of as fraction. 3 becomes 3/1 ... to be used as 'rise' and 'run' ... rise tells how far to go up (if positive) or down (if negative) ... run tells how far to go to the right (always to the right). After doing both place a second point. Draw a straight line through both points.

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Q: What is the rule for graphing lines when in y intercept form?
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What is the math definition of rule?

1. a prescribed mathematical method for performing a calculation or solving a mark with lines, especially parallel straight lines, with the aid of a ruler or the like: to rule mark out or form (a line) by this method: to rule lines onpaper.

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i will miss you uche i love you god bless you uche

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An instrument used to construct stright lines?

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