Anything to the zero power equals one.
Well, You multiply 10 by how ever many times the number says. In this case it is 0. Though, there is a different rule for anything to the zero power. The rule is that anything to the zero power is not zero, but always one.
According to the rule of zero anything to the power of zero equals one(X^0=1). Any number over itself equals one, which is what the power of zero does (X^0=X/X). But the whole deal is if we replace the Xes with zeros it could be that it is zero (0^0=0/0). So according to the rule it says it is one, according the the math it is zero. It would be logical to assume that zero. But no mathematician has answered this so this answer seems full proof but possible that it can be poked.
The rule is if the numerator is zero than the value of the fraction is zero.
Everything multiplied by zero is zero. There really isn't a special rule name for it.
Anything to the zero power equals one.
Well, You multiply 10 by how ever many times the number says. In this case it is 0. Though, there is a different rule for anything to the zero power. The rule is that anything to the zero power is not zero, but always one.
According to the rule of zero anything to the power of zero equals one(X^0=1). Any number over itself equals one, which is what the power of zero does (X^0=X/X). But the whole deal is if we replace the Xes with zeros it could be that it is zero (0^0=0/0). So according to the rule it says it is one, according the the math it is zero. It would be logical to assume that zero. But no mathematician has answered this so this answer seems full proof but possible that it can be poked.
Any positive power of zero (0 times 0) will equal zero. But 00 is not defined in ordinary math. This is an exception to the rule x0 = 1, which applies to all nonzero numbers. In calculus, and in polynomial and power series, 00 is defined as 1, but in continuous limiting functions, x0 does not exist for zero.
The rule is if the numerator is zero than the value of the fraction is zero.
Everything multiplied by zero is zero. There really isn't a special rule name for it.
Zero to any power is zero; any non-zero number to the power zero is one. Thus, zero to the power zero is sort of contradictory.
Any number except zero, raised to the power zero, equals 1. Zero to the power zero is not defined.Any number except zero, raised to the power zero, equals 1. Zero to the power zero is not defined.Any number except zero, raised to the power zero, equals 1. Zero to the power zero is not defined.Any number except zero, raised to the power zero, equals 1. Zero to the power zero is not defined.
Zero to the fifth power is zero. Zero divided by zero is indeterminate.
Division by zero is undefined.
I was not aware that they do say that. If x is zero, and y=x2 (which must also be zero), then y5/x5 is zero. Zeroes are like infinities in the sense they can have different "strengths". This question violates the rule "thou shalt not divide by zero", to which I would add "unless thou knowest what thou art doing".
Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.