Your new salary will be $26,520
Curtis current annual salary is17560 he will be receiving a 5 percent pay raise wht will his new salary be?
Multiply the current salary times 1.03
That depends on how much you were getting paid initially. If, for example, you were getting paid $1000, two percent of that would be $1000*0.02 = $20. With the 2% raise, you would then be paid $1020.
You will make $13.01 an hour after the raise.
Your new salary will be $26,520
16.800 salary with a 5% raise? what was the salary for last years?
A 2.5 percent raise is calculated by multiplying the current salary by 0.025. For example, if someone is earning $40,000 per year, a 2.5 percent raise would be $40,000 x 0.025 = $1,000. This means their new salary after the raise would be $41,000.
Curtis current annual salary is17560 he will be receiving a 5 percent pay raise wht will his new salary be?
900/18000 = .05 --- thus her raise is 5%
A salary that increases to two-and-a-half times its earlier value.
3% raise is the same as multiplying your previous salary by a factor of 1.03 ("1" for the original salary, and "0.03" for the 3% raise).
It means - if you were earning 10k before the raise - you would earn 25k after !
Multiply whatever the base salary is by 1.12
Multiply the current salary times 1.03