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{11,13,17,19,23,29} are all the prime numbers between 10 and 30

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Q: What is the sample space when selecting a prime number between 10and30?
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What is the probability of selecting a composite number over a prime number?

This cannot be answered Until and Unless a certain set of numbers are given as Sample Space.

What is a sample study?

sample is the population we make our study about them.

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What is the difference between random and stratified sample in the survey method?

The main difference is that the way of selecting a sample Random sample purely on randomly selected sample,in random sample every objective has a an equal chance to get into sample but it may follow heterogeneous,to over come this problem we can use stratified Random Sample Here the difference is that random sample may follow heterogeneity and Stratified follows homogeneity

A proper sample is based on selecting an appropriate set of people when every individual in a population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample it is said to be?

random sample

What affects the standard error of the mean?

The standard error of the underlying distribution, the method of selecting the sample from which the mean is derived, the size of the sample.

Difference between Population From a sample?

population is the number of citizens living in a defined geographical area. Sample is a number taken from the population being the sample to research for a topic about the populations' behavior or habit, etc.

What is the difference between calculating the sample mean and the population mean?

You calculate the actual sample mean, and from that number, you then estimate the probable mean (or the range) of the population from which that sample was drawn.

Is a way of selecting individuals from a group?


What is the difference between sample size and sample unit?

sample size is the specific size of a thing like the how long or wide. while sample unit is the whole thing not referring to specific number size.

What quantity serves as the conversion factor between the mass of a sample and how many moles the sample contains?

The quantity that serves as a conversion factor between mass and number of moles is the molecular mass.

What is the definition for probability sample?

A probability sample is one in which each member of the population has the same probability of being included. An alternative and equivalent definition is that it is a sample such that the probability of selecting that particular sample is the same for all samples of that size which could be drawn from the population.