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The sampling level is the size or limit of a population used during a study. This level is used to determine if a particular standard or mandate is being met.

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Q: What is the sampling level?
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it's a random sampling technique formula to estimate sampling sizen=N/1+N(e)2n- sampling sizeN-total populatione-level of confidence

What amount of sampling error is acceptable in a national sample of 1500 to 3000 respondents?

There can be no set value. An acceptable level of sampling error for a company making high precision machine parts is likely to be very different from the sampling error for household incomes, for example.

What are the various kind of sampling?

They include: Simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified sampling, Quota sampling, and Cluster sampling.

What difference between Statistical Sampling and non-statistical sampling?

Statistical sampling is an objective approach using probability to make an inference about the population. The method will determine the sample size and the selection criteria of the sample. The reliability or confidence level of this type of sampling relates to the number of times per 100 the sample will represent the larger population. Non-statistical sampling relies on judgment to determine the sampling method,the sample size,and the selection items in the sample.

Which one is called non probability sampling a. cluster sampling b.quota sampling c. systematic sampling d. stratified sampling?

Answer is Quota sampling. Its one of the method of non-probability sampling.

What is sampling in research?

Sampling techniques in researching involves to types of sampling. The probability sampling and the non-probability sampling. Simple random is an example of probability sampling.

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You are correct; convenience sampling is not random sampling.

Define the four different sampling techniques?

1) Simple random sampling 2) Systematic sampling 3) Stratified sampling 4) Cluster sampling 5) Probability proportional to size sampling 6) Matched random sampling 7) Quota sampling 8) Convenience sampling 9) Line-intercept sampling 10) Panel sampling

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What is the difference between quota sampling and cluster sampling?

What is the difference between quota sampling and cluster sampling

Mention different types of sampling in statistics.?

Simple Random Sample Stratified Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Systematic Sampling Convenience Sampling