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Q: What is the scale of measurement for annual sales?
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Is age an interval or ratio scale of measurement?

It is a ratio scale of measurement.

How do you use the expression annual sales in a sentence?

We had a profit in the ANNUAL SALES of this year.

How do you calculte sales growth if you have current annual sales and previous annual sale?

((cur ann sales-pre ann sales) / cur ann sales )* 100

How do you figure annual sales?

You can figure annual sales in various ways. The easiest way is by adding the opening stock to the purchases. You should them subtract the closing stock for the year and you will get the annual sales.

What is annualized sales?

Annual sales refers to the total sales have been made in a given year. When you deduct the expenditure from annual sales, you would be able to get your profit for the year.

What is the highest measurement on the Beaufort scale?

The Highest measurement of Beaufort scale is 12, which refers to Hurricane-force.

How does the Richter scale know if there is an aftershock?

The Richter scale does not know anything. The Richter scale is a measurement of the magnitude of an earthquake. The numbers of the scale represent a quantifiable measurement or range of the strength.

What is the measurement scale in meters?

The measurement scale in meters is a unit of length in the metric system. It is used to measure distances, lengths, and heights. It is represented by the symbol "m".

What is the highest measurement you have to be to go on the highest measurement ride?

The Richter scale is the highest measurement

Is a blood glucose sliding scale a ratio-scale measurement?


What is a intensity scale?

Mercalli is a scale for the measurement of earthquake intensities.

What is the statistical scale of measurement for a persons gender?

It is a nominal scale.