Were you writing this on a check to convey this number in word form you would write two hundred and fifty million dollars. Otherwise you could shorten it to 250 million or $250M.
fifty-second and if it was in number if would be 52nd
In word form, 39083 is written as thirty-nine thousand and eighty-three. This number is composed of the digits 3, 9, 0, 8, and 3, each representing a specific place value within the number. The word form helps to convey the quantity represented by the numerical digits in a more descriptive and easily understandable manner.
The number '9' represents 100ths of a second.
The adverb of the word value is valuably. That is a related form of the root word.
means too change into
The ordinal word form for 52 is: fifty-second
The irrigation pipes convey water to the farms below.
The second word in the name of a compound typically represents the anionic part of the compound, providing information about the elements present and their ratio in the compound. It helps identify the specific type of compound and the elements involved in its chemical composition.
Some of the advantages of using word to convey information
Twenty second.
Were you writing this on a check to convey this number in word form you would write two hundred and fifty million dollars. Otherwise you could shorten it to 250 million or $250M.
No, it is not. The word seconds can be a plural noun, or a noun meaning additional servings. It can also be a form of the verb "to second" (endorse).The word second can be an adjective.
There are two syllables in the word "convey."