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The glans penis

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Q: What is the sensitive cone-shaped end of the penis called?
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Do males have urinary meatus?

Yes we do - it's the sensitive opening to the urinary tract at the end of the penis.

What is most sensitive on a mans penis?

The most sensitive part of a man's penis is typically the frenulum, which is a small band of tissue on the underside of the penis connecting the glans to the shaft.

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How does a boys penis go into a girl?

They don't it's physically impossible There is a sexual activity called 'docking' in which a boy (or man) inserts the end of his penis inside the foreskin of his partner's penis.

Why does it hurt inside when penetrate deep or penetrate from behind?

Deep insertion leads to direct physical impact of penis end on the female cervix which is quite sensitive. This leads to increased sensation of pain particularly if the penis length is significantly more or it is inserted from behind .

What is the soft part of your finger called?

The soft part of your finger is called the fingertip. It is the padded area at the end of your finger that is sensitive to touch.

Can deodorant harm your penis?

Using deodorant on your genitals can lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions due to the sensitive nature of the skin in that area. It is recommended to avoid applying deodorant directly on the penis and genital area to prevent any potential harm.

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What is does armitage mean?

The Top Bald End of a penis

Do prawn have fins at their end point?

they have penis no fins

What is the name for a muscle attached at only one end?

A muscle attached at only one end is called unipennate muscle. It has a single tendon and its muscle fibers run diagonally to the tendon.