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Q: What is the sequence in text indacated by?
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What is a sequence text pattern?

A sequence text pattern is a sort of pattern that the author of a book/text/article etc... uses to convey the message of his text or to simply present the story. For example, a text that simply has paragraphs like: Day 1: Choosing The Subject, Day 2: Accomplishing the work etc... the sequence text pattern would be that they put their day to day activities in chronological order. There are many sequence text patterns different authors use.

What is the definition of external text structure?

The sequence of the text or story.

What do you call description timeline sequence and all that?

Text structures

Which sequence of steps would you perform to add a shadow or outline to text?

Click the Text Effects button, then select the desired text effect.

What is an ellipisis?

printing a sequence of three dots (…) indicating an omission in text

In printing a sequence of three dots indicating an omission in text?


What is the origin of the text mean?

"Origin of the text" means the place some specified sequence of words was found, was first published or used.

A sequence of characters which whe used in a query criteria must be matched is referred to a?

Text String

Definition of narrative text?

The telling of a story or an account of a sequence of events. One of the four traditional forms of composition (along with description, exposition, and persuasion). Narration differs from exposition, which can also relate a sequence of events, in that narration need not be factual and may be written from the perspective of a character in the text.

What are the 5 text structure?

sequence/chronolgy, problem/solution, question/answer, cause/effect, compare/contrast,

What is difference between text files in windows and UNIX?

Both platforms are ASCII platforms, but the difference is the line termination character. In Windows, there is a two character sequence to denote the end of the line (CR/LF sequence, 0D0A) For Unix, the line termination character is the newline character (0A), to denote the end of the text line.