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It depends on what x and y are.

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Q: What is the shape and bond angles of molecule x-y-x?
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What does L'affaire means in french?

"L'affaire" has different meaning. In the phrase: L'affaire de XYZ. The translation would be: The Case of XYX If you say une affaire romantique You would translate it: It is a lovers affair.

How do you make dynamite in Minecraft?

It is called TNT not dynamite. All you need is 4 sand and 5 gunpowder. Check out the link under "Sources and related links" below this answer for more information. *^* ^*^ *^* ^ = sand * = gunpowder You find sand in deserts and in beaches. You find creepers spawning at night they explode when they get near you. You have to kill them to obtain the gunpowder.

Can you use Gladiator Beast War Chariot if you have a Gladiator Beast as an Xyx material monster?

The XYZ material does not count as being 'on the field'. For example, a Sangan used as XYZ material does not trigger if sent to the graveyard because it does not count as being on the field. Likewise, they cannot be seperately be affected by destruction effects. Because of this, they also do not satisfy activation conditions like that of Gladiator Beast War Chariot.

This event angered americans and led to an undeclared naval war with france?

The XYX Affair led to an undeclared naval war with France. It was the result of French privateers seizing American merchant shipping in response to the Jay Treaty.

What will Boeing do after 797?

What they might do is continue on to 8x8 or maybe 8x7, although it really is unknown. Some also speculate that they will skip 797, and move striaght on to 808. This is because 8 is what Boeing is using to denote new planes (787, 747-8). Or they might just get rid of the XyX naming system entirely. This is a possiblity mainly because it was the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Not just the 787

How many 3-digit palindromes are there?

All sequences of the form XYX or XXX are palindromes: thus 000, 010, 020 … through 090, and again for every other digit (101, 111, 121, … 191). There are ten of these for each digit, none of which repeat, so 100 total. Please note that WikiAnswers is not here to do your homework for you. If this question is from work you have been assigned by a teacher or professor, I suggest you do the work yourself instead, which will help to increase your understanding of the subject matter and help you to become more familiar with it.

How do you get rid of lava in minecraft?

You need a bucket to pick it up. XXX YXY XYX X = empty spot Y = iron ignot Once you craft a bucket, you can left click the source block to put the lava in the bucket Note: You can't pick up the flowing lava, you need the full block that the lava is flowing from. Or if you have lots of rocks from mining go to the very edge of the object you are on and place a block of rock on that area. keep on clicking until the surface of that area is filled with a block. Just be sure to not fall in.