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It is sort of shaped like a hat or an Easter bonnet.

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Q: What is the shape of a benthocodon pedunculata?
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Do benthocodon pedunculata sting?

Benthocodon pedunculata is a type of deep-sea jellyfish that lacks stinging cells and is not capable of delivering a sting to humans or other organisms. It primarily feeds on small marine animals by using its sticky tentacles to trap prey.

When was Petrophile pedunculata created?

Petrophile pedunculata was created in 1810.

When was Colubrina pedunculata created?

Colubrina pedunculata was created in 1900.

What is the benthocodon penducalta or hyalinus?

The Benthocodon is a rare species found under high levels of waters

How a benthocodon reproduces?

Benthocodon reproduces by releasing eggs and sperm into the water during mass spawning events. Fertilization occurs externally, and the resulting larvae develop into young medusae before settling and metamorphosing into adult benthocodon.

How deep does benthocodon live under the sea?

it live a mile under the ocean

What are some similarities between the benthocodon pendunculata and the unnamed ctenophore?

they both live in the darkness and have tentacles

What does a benthocodon eat?

the diet is unknown

How much does the benthocodon weight?

Benthocodon, also known as the deep-sea jellyfish, is a gelatinous organism, so it doesn't have a specific weight like animals with a skeleton or exoskeleton. They are very delicate and often fragile, residing deep in the ocean where weight doesn't play the same role as it does on land.

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The scientific name for acorns is Quercus, which refers to the genus of oak trees that produce them. The specific species name would vary depending on the type of oak tree.

What is a shape called in mathematics?

a shape is called a shape in mathematics