It's a Rectangle!
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Actually, as a 3-dimensional object, it is a rectangular prism or cuboid.
a rectangle a hexagon
a Rectangular Prisim
A wooden beamA brick (with the hollows filled) A paperback book A box (such as a cereal box) A matchbox A simple wardrobe
A prism has two parallel and congruent bases in the shape of polygons. Example - a cereal box (is rectangular prism). The top and bottom are rectangles(a polygon). They are the same size and shape (congruent) and also parallel. A cube (think of six sided dice) is a special rectangular prism. Imagine a a box where the top and bottom are triangles (of the shape size and shape). This is called a triangular prism.
A cereal box is a six sided rectangular polyhedron called a rectangular cuboid. Each of its faces has the shape of a rectangle.
3-dimensional rectangle.
a rectangle
A rectangular prism.
By the shape...
a rectangle a hexagon
a Rectangular Prisim
A box - for example a box of cereal
A cereal in Tokyo had a cereal called z yum yum and the shape was a z
It varies widely, depending on the size of the box and the size and shape of the cereal pieces.