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Q: What is the shape of black board?
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Who invented the first black board?

iInvented The First Black Board In 1778

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How black coloumns are there in one chess board?

there are no black columns on a chess board they are all black and white there is no column that is just black. there are 32 black squares

Name the objects in the shape of a square.?

chess board.

Why is the board across gully the weakest bridge?

their is no shape

What shape is a black racer's head?

A Black racers head is more of a roundish oval shape

What is the fin shape of a catfish?

The fin shape is usaly heart shape,but black.

How can you describe a blackboard?

a black board

Why the black board is black if it is green?

because they are not called black boards they are called chalkboards

What skate board last the longest?

there all the same shape

How does a checkers board looks?

it can be red and black or light brown and black

A game board is a quadrilateral with diagonals that bisect each other what shape is the game board?

The game board is a rhombus, dip s h i t.