

What is the shape of talk?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What is the shape of talk?
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They change the shape of their trachea and push wind through it to make noise. :)

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A synonym is not a shape. It is the similarity of words such as a synonym for "talk" would be speak.

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what do you mean? but I'll give info anyways.. I'll talk about the wing if you're asking about the shape that makes it fly, the aircraft wing has an "aerofoil shape" the shape is made to have high pressure on the bottom part and low pressure on the top part, thus making it float on air.. more info? Google: Aerofoil

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Because it helps you shape sounds and you can speak some languages without it but generally the world-wide ones like English for instance can't be spoken without a tongue.

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A turn off for guys is when you talk about yourself a lot at least for most guys. Talk about them some too. They also dislike it when you talk about how "fat" you are or even your ex. hope i helped! :)Shape (Now seriously would a guy want that shapely dame in the coffee shop, or the slightly bigger woman who is eating a pizza?)

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You may be having stomach pains. You may be seeing a deformity in the shape of your belly. You should always talk to your doctor.

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a dog would need a better shape of tounge and smarter brain that can process speech through the Trachea and Larynx.