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What bacteria is variola virus?

Variola is a virus called small pox and it is not a bacteria,

What are the causes for small poxes?

By either of two viruses: Variola major and Variola minor

What is the Scientific namefor the Smallpox vaccine?

The latin name for smallpox is "variola" or "variola vera".

The scientific name of the variola virus?

Variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox, belongs to the genus Orthopoxvirus within the Poxviridae family. Its scientific name is Variola major for the more severe form of smallpox and Variola minor for the milder form.

What is the scientific name for small pox?

There are several scientific names for smallpox one of which I know Variola virus.Smallpox is/was caused by two virus variants called Variola major and Variola minor. Variola major was the more deadly form, with a typical mortality of 20-40 percent of those infected. The other type, Variola minor, only killed 1% of its victims.

Is the variola disease in the herpes family?

Variola (smallpox) is not in the herpes family. It's in the poxvirus family.

Is Ebola virus the same as Variola virus?

Variola is Smallpox. Ebola developed a lot later in time.

Which is NOT relevant to a laboratory diagnosis of smallpox variola?

A positive Tzank smear is not relevant to a laboratory diagnosis of smallpox variola.

Is NOT relevant to a laboratory diagnosis of smallpox (variola)?

A positive Tzank smear is not relevant to a laboratory diagnosis of smallpox variola.

what is origin for variola viruses?

Variola, the agent of smallpox, has been reported in human populations for greater than 2,000 years. Variola came from two primary strains, which likely diverged from an ancestral African rodent-borne variola-like virus either 16,000 or 68,000 years ago.

Is smallpox a bacterial disease?

Smallpox is a viral disease caused by either the Variola major or Variola minor virus variants.

Is smallpox a bacteria or viral disease?

Small pox is caused by the Variola virus. Yes. Small pox is caused by either of two virus strains or variants. These are Vaiola Major and Variola Minor.