short word form example is 2,678,007 in short word form is 2 million, 6 hundred seventy- eight thousand, seven
205,000,000 in short word form is: two hundred five million.
6.02 in short word form is: six and two hundredths.
The short word form for 0.836 is: eight hundred thirty-six thousandths.
the answer is etc...
Etcetera which means "and so on".
Etcetera or Et cetera, could be one word or two.
short word form example is 2,678,007 in short word form is 2 million, 6 hundred seventy- eight thousand, seven
The short form is edu.
The word is etcetera. Etcetera is used at the end of a list to indicate that further, similar items are included. The abbreviation for etcetera is etc.
205,000,000 in short word form is: two hundred five million.
6.02 in short word form is: six and two hundredths.
You can write 90 in short word form as ninety.