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(L) or L with an horizontal line above the numeral. Numerals in brackets or a line above them indicate multiplication by a thousand.

Therefore: L = 50 and 50*1000 = 50000

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Q: What is the sign of 50000 in Roman Numerals?
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50000 in Roman Numerals?

50000=L with horizontal bar above it

What is 500 in Roman numbers?

50,000 can be written in roman numerals as (D) which is 500 x 1000 or 50,000.Improved Answer:-50,000 = (L) = 50*1000 = 50,000500,000 = (D) = 500*1000 = 500,000

How do you write 50000 in Roman Numerals?

50,000 = L (with a bar over it)

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What inspired the roman numerals?

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What is the sign for 2000 in the numeral numbers?

Exactly as in the question but if you mean in Roman numerals then they are MM = 2000

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