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Q: What is the significance of a seawater salinity of 24.7?
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How does the salinity of sea ice compare to the salinity of normal seawater?

Ice has zero salinity. When it is frozen, the salt is pushed out. Therefore, since the salinity of normal seawater is about 35 ppt, it has 35 ppt more salinity than seawater.

What are 2 main factors that influence density if seawater?

Temperature and salinity are the two main factors that influence the density of seawater. Colder seawater is denser than warmer seawater, while seawater with higher salinity is denser than seawater with lower salinity.

What is the average salinity of seawater by weight?

The average salinity of seawater is about 35 grams of dissolved salts per kilogram of seawater, or 3.5% by weight.

Which is not a process the decreases the salinity of seawater?

Evaporation is a process that increases the salinity of seawater, not decreases it. Other processes that decrease the salinity of seawater include precipitation, melting of icebergs, and the input of freshwater from rivers.

Is not a process that decrease the salinity of seawater?


Is the following sentence true or false the average salinity of seawater is 35 percent?

False. The average salinity of seawater is actually around 3.5%, not 35%.

How are density and salinity related?

Density and salinity are directly related in seawater - as salinity increases, the density of seawater also increases. This is because dissolved salts and other substances in seawater add mass without significantly changing the volume, thereby increasing the overall density. Conversely, a decrease in salinity will lead to a decrease in density.

What are the percentage of salt in seawater?

The average salinity of seawater is about 3.5%, which means that approximately 35 grams of salt are dissolved in 1,000 grams of seawater. This salinity can vary slightly depending on location and other factors.

What is the measure of the total amount of solid material dissolved in seawater called?

The measure of the total amount of solid material dissolved in seawater is called salinity. It is typically expressed in parts per thousand (ppt) or practical salinity units (PSU).

What is the average of salinity?

The average salinity of seawater is about 35 parts per thousand

What is the average salinity in the oceans?

The average salinity of the world's oceans is around 3.5%. This means that there are about 35 grams of dissolved salts in every kilogram (or 1 liter) of seawater.

What level of salinity will plants not grow?

Plants grow in seawater e.g. mangroves. There are other flowering plants that grow in shallow seawater. Seawater is about 3.5 % salt. Water needs to be over 3.5 % salinity before plants cannot grow.