To simplify a fraction like this you need to identify any common factors between top and bottom. In this case, both are even, so we can divide by 2. Doing this gives 462/1596. These are still both even, so we can divide by 2 again, giving 231/798. Both of these have a digit sum that can divide by 3, so we can divide top and bottom by 3. Doing this gives 77/266. Both top and bottom can divide by 7. Doing this gives 11/38. There are no more common factors, and so we've reached the fraction's simplest form.
924 / 3192
Since both numbers are even they will cancel down by '2'
462 / 1596
Cancel down again by '2'
231 / 798
Cancel down by '3'
77 / 266
Cancel down '7'
This will not cancel down any further as '11' is a Prime number, and NOT a factor of '38'.
NB When simplifying any fraction 'cancel down by the prime numbers, 2,3,5.7, 11, 13, etc.,
.924 = 0 + (9/10) + (2/100) + (4/1000)
5% of 924 = 5% * 924 = 0.05 * 924 = 46.2
25% of 924= 25% * 924= 0.25 * 924= 231
LCD(7, 11, 12) = 924
Oh, what a happy little question! To write zero in expanded form, you simply write it as zero. And for 924, we can write it as 900 + 20 + 4. Just break it down into its different place values, and you've got yourself a lovely expanded form painting!
.924 = 0 + (9/10) + (2/100) + (4/1000)
924 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as 924/1 which cannot be further simplified.
LCM(28, 33) = 924
5% of 924 = 5% * 924 = 0.05 * 924 = 46.2
25% of 924= 25% * 924= 0.25 * 924= 231
LCD(7, 11, 12) = 924
nine hundred twenty-four thousandths.
880 is 95% of 924. 924 is 105% of 880.
They can be: 0.9240 or 231/250 as a fraction in its simplest form