Since the numerator of 18/12 is larger than the denominator, it will be a mixed number. Divide the numerator by the denominator to find the whole number. 18 divided by 12 is 1 with a remainder of 6. The 6 becomes the numerator and the denominator remains 12.
So, the answer is 1 6/1,but it is not in simplest form, so the 6/12 needs to be reduced. Since 6 is the greatest common factor of 6 ans 12, divide the numberator and denominator by 6 to get 1/2.
The answer is 1 1/2.
18 over 14 in the simplest form = 9/7 or 12/7
12/18 = 2/3 !2/3
18/12 divide both the numerator and denominator by 6 the simplified form is 3/2
Three over two is 18/12 in simplest form.
18 over 14 in the simplest form = 9/7 or 12/7
18 over 12 in a mixed number in simplest form is 11/2 or 1.5
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 18/12 is equal to 1 1/2 or one and a half.
12/18 is 2/3 in its simplest form
12/18 = 2/3 !2/3
18/12 divide both the numerator and denominator by 6 the simplified form is 3/2