Look for common fractions between the two numbers. Then divide both numbers by such a common fraction. Repeat, just in case you didn't get the largest common fraction, until you can find no more common fractions.
28 over 56 simplified is 1/2.
2/56 = 1/28
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 2, 38/56 is equal to 19/28 or nineteen twenty-eighths.
5.6 = 56/10 which can be simplified to 28/5
28 over 56 simplified is 1/2.
No, it is already simplified.
It is 28 over 1, which is just 28.
2/56 = 1/28
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 2, 38/56 is equal to 19/28 or nineteen twenty-eighths.
It is: 49/56 = 7/8 simplified
5.6 = 56/10 which can be simplified to 28/5
It is: 56/74 = 28/37 simplified
81/56 is an improper fraction. It equates to 125/56 which is its simplest form.
112/18 = 56/9 which cannot be simplified further.