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Q: What is the size and shape of your stomach?
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What is the general shape of the stomach in the cat?

A cat's stomach changes its shape and size according to its fullness. Empty, an adult cat's stomach is about the size of a small human fist. It stretches as the cat eats.

What size and shape of a mammal reflects the mammals diet?

Its teeth and stomach.

How big is your empty stomach?

Depending on the position of your body and the amount of food inside it, your stomach is capable of alterations in size and shape. Your empty stomach is about 12 inches long. At its widest point, it's about 6 inches across.

Length of a stomach?

The average adult stomach is about 10 inches long when empty and can stretch to hold up to about 1-1.5 liters of food.

What happens when you swallow glass?

Depends on the shape, size, the amount, and what else you have in your stomach. Glass can't be digested, so your body will try to pass it through in whatever shape and size it was when you swallowed it. Something like a glass bead will be entirely harmless, while something like a bigger shard will mean serious injury and possibly even death. And of course everything inbetween depending on shape, size and whether it gets embedded in other stomach contents or not.

How can you get your stomach in shape?


How small can a stomach get?

A stomach can get to a size of a dick

About how long is your stomach?


During first aid a stomach increase in size?

The stomach increases in size because the air blown by the rescuer enters the stomach rather the lungs.

What is the general shape of the stomach?

U shaped

Is your stomach symmetrical?

The stomach is an organ of the digestive system that has the shape of a bag, which prevents it to be symmetrical.

How can you tell if you are having a boy or girl?

You can get an Ultrasound... And sometimes you can tell by the size / shape of the stomach. Boys are Rounded and they stick out farther. Girls are round and are usually a perfect circle!