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Q: What is the size of a small paper clip?
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What objects are the size of 8 millimeters?

A small paper clip is about that wide.

What is length of a small paper clip?

The Length of a small paper clip is about 1 cm long.

What is the most reasonable metric unit used to measure a paper clip?

The most reasonable metric unit used to measure a paper clip is the millimeter. It provides a small and precise measurement that is suitable for the size of a paper clip.

Measurements for a stretched out paper clip?

An regular size paper clip streaches out to four and a half inches.

CD is stuck and will not eject what do you do?

On the door of every CD drive there is small hole, about the size of a paper clip. This is a manual release. Gentle press the end of a paper clip or small wire into this hole, and the CD door will release and you can slide it gently open.

Do you measure a paper clip by centimeters?

Paper clips are typically measured using inches or millimeters due to their small size. However, it is possible to measure a paper clip using centimeters if necessary. Simply place the paper clip on a ruler or measuring tape with centimeter markings and read the measurement where the paper clip ends.

Which mass would measure a paper clip?

A small metallic paper clip has a mass of a little over one gram.

The capacity of a paper clip?

The exact capacity of a paper clip can vary depending on its size and thickness, but typically a paper clip can hold up to around 20-30 sheets of paper securely. However, trying to exceed this limit may cause the paper clip to bend or lose its grip.

How much does a paper clip weighs?

A standard paper clip typically weighs around 1 gram.

What SI unit is used to measure the length of a small paper clip?

Use centimeters or millimeters.

How many kilograms does a paper clip weigh?


What are the dimensions of a paper clip?

It generaly depends on the type of paper clip. I have a bag of small paper clips that are 3cm (length) by .5cm (height) by .05cm (width)