

What is the size of an eraser?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is the size of an eraser?
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Related questions

What is the mass of an eraser in grams?

The mass of an eraser typically ranges from 2 to 10 grams, depending on the size and material of the eraser.

What is the length of an eraser?

Depends on the size of the eraser

What is the weight of a pencil eraser?

The weight of a pencil eraser can vary depending on the type of eraser and its size. On average, a standard pencil eraser weighs around 0.1 to 0.5 grams.

How many grams eraser?

The weight of an eraser can vary depending on its size and material. On average, a standard pencil eraser weighs about 3-5 grams.

Why does eraser get smaller and smaller as you use it?

As you use an eraser, the friction between the eraser and the paper causes the eraser material to wear away. The worn material forms eraser shavings, which are left behind as you erase, making the eraser smaller over time.

How much does an eraser cost?

The cost of an eraser can vary depending on the brand, size, and quality. On average, a basic eraser typically costs around $1-$3.

How many atoms are in an eraser?

There are billions of atoms in an eraser, as atoms are the basic building blocks of matter. The exact number of atoms will depend on the size and composition of the eraser.

What is the average weight of a pink school eraser?

The average weight of a pink school eraser is about 5 to 10 grams. It can vary slightly depending on the brand and size of the eraser.

Why does eraser became smaller when rubbed?

When an eraser is rubbed against paper, the friction between the eraser and the paper causes small particles of the eraser to break off. These particles stick to the paper, leaving a mark and making the eraser appear to shrink in size. This process is known as abrasion.

What is the volume of a eraser on a pencil?

The volume of an eraser on a pencil is typically very small, likely less than 1 cubic centimeter. It can vary slightly depending on the specific size and shape of the eraser.

How big are seeds?

The size of seeds can vary greatly depending on the plant species. Some seeds like orchid seeds can be as small as a speck of dust, while seeds from fruits like coconuts can be as big as a tennis ball. Generally, seeds are small enough to be contained within the fruit or pod of a plant.

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It should be the size of the pencil eraser.