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On a normal metre stick a centimetre, of which you would have 100.

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Q: What is the smallest. Unit of measurement On a Meter stick and how many are There In a meter stick?
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What do the smallest lines represtent on a meter stick?

Depending on your meter stick, they could represent centimeters or millimeters.

What is the smallest unit of measurement in a meter stick?

Least count is the smallest form of measurement that a specific measuring instrument can accurately measure by. So meter stick uses 1m and 100cm and 1000mm. Thus mm is the least count for a meter stick.

If a meter stick markings centimeters what could be a precise and accurate measurement of your foot?

1 meter

What is the smallest part of a centimeter that can be read or estimated with a meter stick?


How many millimeters would be shown on the meter stick?

A meter stick typically has measurements in centimeters and millimeters. Therefore, there are 1000 millimeters on a meter stick.

In meter stick how many divisions are there in a meter in terms of meter?

There is just one meter in a meter stick.

How many meters are meters are in a meter stick?

A standard meter stick is one meter long, so there are one meter in a meter stick.

What is the smallest value found on a meter stick in English system?


How is meter stick used?

A meter stick is used to measure lengths up to a meter, typically in millimeters or centimeters. It is a simple measuring tool with markings along its length for accurate measurement. To use it, align one end of the object to be measured with the zero mark on the meter stick and then read the measurement where the other end of the object aligns with the scale.

What is something that 1 meter long?

A meter stick is 1 meter long.

What is the sensitivity of a meter stick?

That's a weird way to talk about a meter stick, but I'll take it seriously, play dumb, and discuss the meter stick just like any other piece of test equipment: When you select the device you need for the measurement you're about to perform, you have to consider its sensitivity ... the size of the smallest measurement it can detect and indicate for you with reasonable accuracy. A meter stick usually has all 100 centimeters marked on it, and millimeters marked for the first one or two centimeters. So I would say that by handling, moving, and flipping the stick appropriately and cleverly, you could perform reasonably accurate measurements in the range of 1/2 millimeter to 1 meter ... 2,000 to 1 with a wooden stick, which is not too shabby !

Is a meter stick equal to 1 meter?

No. A stick is a stick and a meter is a unit of length.