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Q: What is the smallest and greatest number that can be rounded off to 400?
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How do you get the least possible number that can be rounded off?

It is the target value less half the amount of rounding. If that sounds cryptic, try this example: Find the smallest number which, when rounded to the nearest 10 comes to 400. Target Value = 400 Amount of Rounding = 10 So the smallest value = 400 - 10/2 = 400 - 5 = 395. The smallest number rounded to the nearest 100, which comes to 400, is 400 - 100/2 = 400 - 50 = 350.

Is 449 the greatest number that can be rounded off to 400?

If you are rounding to hundreds, yes.

What is the least number that can be rounded off to 400?

The least number that can be rounded to 400 (to the nearest 400) is 200.

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What is the greatest whole number that rounds to 300?

The greatest whole number to round to 300 would be 449 rounded to the nearest 300

What is the smallest number that rounds to 400 to the nearest hundred?

Half of 100 is 50, so the smallest number that rounds to 400 to the the nearest hundred is 400 - 50 = 350.

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What is the least number rounded off to 400?

350 rounded to the nearest hundred becomes 400

What is the smallest number rounded to 200?

It is: 150 that when rounded to the nearest hundred is 200-----------------------------------------It all depends to what nearest you are rounding. The smallest number is when rounding to the nearest 200 and it is 100:To the nearest 200, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 100;To the nearest 100, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 150;To the nearest 50, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 175;To the nearest 40, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 180;To the nearest 25, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 187.5 (or whole number is 188);To the nearest 20, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 190;To the nearest 8, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 196;To the nearest 5, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 197.5 (or whole number is 198);To the nearest 4, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 198;To the nearest 2, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 199;To the nearest whole number, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 199.5

What is the least number can be rounded off to 400?


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What is the largest whole number that rounds to 400?

It could be 599, rounded to the nearest 400.