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Q: What is the smallest digit positive integer which has four different digit?
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What is the smallest three digit number with all the digit different?

Since there are no specifications --- Positive integer: 102 Positive rational number: 0.12 Negative integer: -987 Negative exponent: -87^9

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The smallest positive integer six-digit number is 100000.

What is the smallest 3 digit numbers with unique digits?

It is -987. The smallest positive 3-digit integer with unique digits is 102.

What is the smallest three digit?

The smallest three digit integer is 100

What is the sum of smallest and largest 5 digit whole number?

The smallest 5 digit integer is -99999. The largest 5 digit integer is 99999. The sum is therefore 0.

What is the smallest two digit integer?


Why 10 is not the smallest two digit number?

Because -99 is a two digit number and it is smaller.10 is the smallest positive 2-digit number.Because -99 is a two digit number and it is smaller.10 is the smallest positive 2-digit number.Because -99 is a two digit number and it is smaller.10 is the smallest positive 2-digit number.Because -99 is a two digit number and it is smaller.10 is the smallest positive 2-digit number.

Which is the smallest two-digit integer after zero?


It is the smallest three-digit number with all the digits different?

My intuition suggests you are after a positive integer, so the answer is 102. However I suppose technically 0.12 also meets the criteria given (though it is not an integer). And if you can include negative integers then -987 would be the answer.

What is the smallest 4 digit odd number?

The smallest four digit odd integer is 1001.

What is the smallest positive 4 digit multiple of 17?

The smallest, positive 4-digit multiple of 17 is 1,003.