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Q: What is the smallest form of seconds?
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What is the smallest seconds?

the Oboe

What is the smallest form of a compound?

The smallest form of a compound is an atom.

What is the smallest english unit?

Yocto- (y) is the smallest SI-prefix, representing 10−24.1ym = 0,000000000000000000000001 metersthou (th) = 0.0000254 metersfluid ounce (fl oz) = 28.4130625 millilitersgrain (gr) = 0.06479891 gramsHave a crack at SI in Wikipedia.orgOther small units are a Chronon which is about 7x10(-24) seconds;or Planck Time which is about 6x10(-44) seconds.

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No, Phytoplankton is the smallest form of plankton.

What the smallest form of a element?

The smallest form of an element is an atom. Each atom is made up of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons that orbit the nucleus.

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the smallest form of measurement is a nanometer

4.2 into a fraction?

the Smallest Improper fraction form is 21/5 The Smallest Mixed Fraction form is 41/5

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the smallest Canadian land form region is The Great lakes St- Lawrence lowlands

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smallest form of 5/25 = 1/55÷ 5 = 125÷ 5 = 5

What is the smallest measure of time?

According to current understanding of physics, the Planck interval = 5.391*10-44 seconds is the smallest measurable time period.

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how many seconds in a day in standard form