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Q: What is the smallest increment of time you use on a daily bases on a?
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What is a small increment of time?

the smallest increment of time is... miliseconds.

What is the smallest increment of time you use on a regular basis?

I think that a picosecond is the faster, or smallest.

What is the smallest unit of time you can manually work with in Flash?

In Adobe Flash, the smallest unit of time you can work with is one frame. Each frame represents a single increment of time in the timeline and is the building block for creating animations and interactions within Flash.

What is the shortest period of time?

The smallest time increment of time is the Planck time, 10-42 seconds (which I think is 10 to the million, million, million, million, million, million, millionth of a second). It is the time that light takes to travel the smallest measurable distance. Also see,

What time increment do you use to count Time Zones?

Usually an hour, though in some places it can be half an hour.

What smaller increment of time make up eras?

I Believe you are thinking of seconds my dear.

How many times do you breath?

The average person breathes 325,000,000,000 times in their lifetime.

What is a sentence with the word increment?

Add flour to the mix in increments of no more than one cup at a time.

What is least count of stop watch?

The least count of a stopwatch is typically 0.01 seconds, although some models may have a higher or lower least count depending on their specific design and features. The least count refers to the smallest increment of time that can be accurately measured by the stopwatch.

Definition: The ___ rate of a changing quantity is the amount it changes per single increment of time (or other quantity).?

unit rate

What is the smallest units of time?

the femtosecond

Why developer increase clock time in processor?

increment in clock speed means increment in data executed per second is high,it means more faster processing smoother operation, will you like to operate in lower speed computer than your super fast computers?