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Rounding to the nearest thousand, 50 rounds to zero.

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Q: What is the smallest number 50 can round to?
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What is the smallest number that rounds to 100 when you round to the nearest 100?

Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math riddles, huh? Well, technically speaking, the smallest number that rounds to 100 when you round to the nearest 100 is 50. Anything 50 or above rounds up to 100, so if you're looking for the tiniest guy that makes the cut, it's good ol' 50.

What are the smallest and the largest numbers that round to 50?

45 and 54

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45 is the smallest number that rounds to 50

What is the smallest whole number that will round up or down to 700 when we are rounding to the nearest hundred?

The smallest that will round up is 650. The smallest that will round down is 701.

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52 is the smallest even number greater than 50.

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53 is the smallest prime number that is larger than 50

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What is the smallest number that you can round to 5000000?

The smallest number that can be rounded to 5000000 is 4999999. When rounding to the nearest million, any number greater than or equal to 5000000 will round up to 5000000. Since 4999999 is less than 5000000, it will round down to the nearest million, which is 4000000.

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