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Q: What is the smallest number four digit number if using the digits 0 2 3 4 5 6?
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Since there are only five different digits, a 6-digit number can only be generated if a digit can be repeated. If digits can be repeated, the smallest 6-digit number is 111111.

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You get the largest number if you sort the digits, from largest to smallest.

What is the smallest 6-digit number having different digits?

It is -987654. The smallest POSITIVE number is 102345.

What is the smallest six digit number using the digits 012345?

012345 or -543210, if negative numbers are permitted.

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100122 or, if negative numbers are permitted, -998877

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The smallest number is 5,789. The largest is 98,750. The difference is 92,961.

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What is the smallest 5 digit number using the digits 0 9 1 6?

Starting from the left, use the smallest possible digit for each position. Note that only four digits are given, so we can assume that we are free to choose the fifth digit. The first digit can't be "0", so use the next-smallest digit: "0". The next digits would be "169". For the final digit, add an additional zero.