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Q: What is the smallest six digit number if multiplied by 9 9 becomes the only nonzero numeral?
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What is the smallest 7 digit numeral?

The smallest 7 digit number is -9,999,999. The smallest positive number is 1,000,000.

What does a line over a Roman Numeral mean?

It means that the numeral is to be multiplied by a thousand. For example, X = 10 but with a line over X it would be 10,000. A horizontal line above a numeral means that it should be multiplied by a thousand so VII with a line above it represents 7000, it can also be written as (VII)

What happens when you have a numeral larger than 1000 in roman numerals?

When a numeral has a cross bar above it, that numeral is multiplied by a thousand. M=1000, MM=2000. e.g. 3634 would be MMMDCXXXIV

How do you answer a roman numeral with bar above it?

It indicates that the numeral below it is to be multiplied by a thousand.

Roman Numeral Symbols of Four Millions?

MMMM with an horizontal bar above each numeral to signify multiplication by one thousand. Therefore MMMM = 4000 but with an horizotal bar above each numeral its value changes to 4000000. Brackets can also be used to denote that a numeral is multiplied by 1000 so (MMMM), which denotes 4000 multiplied by 1000 would also equal 4,000,000.

What does a line over a roman numeral number mean?

It means that the numeral is to be multiplied 1000 times and also numerals within brackets indicate multiplication by a 1000.

How do you write the smallest four-digit number in roman numeral?

1,000: M

What is the roman numeral for the smallest 4 digit number?

cImproved Answer:M = 1000

What is the Roman numeral for one million?

The Roman numeral for 1,000,000 is M with a bar over it. The M is the Roman numeral for 1,000 and the bar over it means it is multiplied by 1,000. (1,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000 M (for 1000) is the largest unique Roman numeral. To make larger ones you draw a line over the numeral to signify it being multiplied by 1000. One million is 1000x1000, so it would be an M with a line above it. One million as a Roman numeral is: (M) which means 1,000*1,000 = 1,000,000