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It is called the minimum.

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Q: What is the smallest value in a data set?
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Calculated by subtracting the smallest value in the data set from the largest value in the data set?

The range is the size of the set of data. Take the smallest from the largest value to get the range

What is calculated by subtracting the smallest value in the data set from the largest value in the data set?


What is it called when you calculate by subtracting the smallest value in the data set from the largest value in the data set?

The range.

What is the smallest a amount the smallest number in a set of data?

It is the minimum value of the set.

How do you find a mathematical range?

you take the largest value and subtract the smallest value in a data set.

How do you find the range in a set of data?

Take the smallest value and subtract it from the largest value and that is the range.

How is the median value of a data set used in healthcare?

The number that is not the smallest or the biggest in a set of numbers.

Define the math term middle value?

The median is the middle value when a set of data is ordered from smallest to largest.

Explain the difference between the range and the outlier?

Range is the largest minus the smallest value in the data set. An outlier is a value that is far away from the majority of the data.

What is the difference between the greatest and least numbers in a set of data?

The difference between the largest and smallest numbers in a data set is called the range.

If there are 10 values in a data set in order from smallest to largest what is the median of the data set?

If the set of numbers has an even size, as in this case, the median is the average of the two numbers closest to the middle.

What is the range of a set data how do you find it?

Range is the biggest number in a set of data subtracted by the smallest number in that set of data.