The smallest number is zero. That rounds to 870.
9050 (rounded down) and 8950 (rounded up). Many schools teach that 5 should always be rounded up. That is a simple rule to follow but it has a serious flaw: it introduces an upward bias in the calculations. A better rule is that to round 5s so that the last significant digit is even.
It is the target value less half the amount of rounding. If that sounds cryptic, try this example: Find the smallest number which, when rounded to the nearest 10 comes to 400. Target Value = 400 Amount of Rounding = 10 So the smallest value = 400 - 10/2 = 400 - 5 = 395. The smallest number rounded to the nearest 100, which comes to 400, is 400 - 100/2 = 400 - 50 = 350.
The smallest number is zero. That rounds to 870.
It appears this number was rounded by the nearest hundreds place. This is because the hundreds place value is followed by all zeros representing a rounding could have taken place.
9050 (rounded down) and 8950 (rounded up). Many schools teach that 5 should always be rounded up. That is a simple rule to follow but it has a serious flaw: it introduces an upward bias in the calculations. A better rule is that to round 5s so that the last significant digit is even.
845 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800. This is because the value in the tens place "4" is less than 5.
It is the target value less half the amount of rounding. If that sounds cryptic, try this example: Find the smallest number which, when rounded to the nearest 10 comes to 400. Target Value = 400 Amount of Rounding = 10 So the smallest value = 400 - 10/2 = 400 - 5 = 395. The smallest number rounded to the nearest 100, which comes to 400, is 400 - 100/2 = 400 - 50 = 350.
It is: 5600 because 40 is less than 50
50-350 usd