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I don't know the solar radius, but all I know is the radius and that is 25.7 R. you. :)

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Q: What is the solar radius of arcturus?
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What is the radius of Arcturus compared to the Earth?

Arcturus has a radius about 26 times that of our Sun.Our Sun has a radius about 109 times that of Earth.So a quick bit of math: 109 x 26 = 2,834 times that of Earth

How many times is Arcturus bigger than than the sun?

Arcturus isn't too much more massive than the Sun - about 1.1 solar masses - but its radius is almost 26 times greater than the Sun, and its power output is much higher; almost 180 times greater.

How many solar masses is arcturus?

Arcturus has a mass estimated to be about 1.1 times the mass of our Sun, making it slightly more massive than the Sun.

What type of star is Arcturus?

Arcturus is a red giant star located in the constellation Boötes. It is approximately 1.1 times the mass of our Sun but much larger and brighter, making it one of the brightest stars visible in the night sky.

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Regulus Arcturus Black.Regulus Arcturus Black.Regulus Arcturus Black.Regulus Arcturus Black.

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How big is Arcturus?

Arcturus is a red supergiant with a radius 25 times larger than our Sun. If our Sun was replaced by Arcturus it's outer edges would reach beyond Mars. See related link for a pictorial representation.

What class is Arcturus star in?

Arcturus is in class A.

Is Arcturus one of the planets?

No, Arcturus is not a planet. It is a red giant star located in the constellation of Boötes. It is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and is visible to the naked eye.

Is Arcturus bigger than the sun?


What is a hypergiant's radius?

A red hypergiant star could have a radius of up to 2000 solar radii or more, where one solar radius is the radius of our sun. If at the centre of our solarsystem, a hypergiant could extend out as far as Jupiter or more.

How hot is Arcturus?

Arcturus has a surface temperature of about 4,290 °C (7,754 °F), making it a relatively hot star compared to our Sun, which has a surface temperature of about 5,500 °C (9,932 °F).