The replacement set is given in the problem and is the domain for the problem (these numbers are used to replace x). The solution set are numbers calculated from the problem and is the range (these are y values that are answers from using the equation).
The set of integers (ℤ) is the set of the positive whole numbers and their additive opposites (the negative whole numbers).
The set of integers includes the set of whole numbers. The set of rational numbers includes the sets of whole numbers and integers.
Actually the set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers since the whole numbers include negative whole numbers and zero.
The set of natural numbers is a subset of the set of whole numbers. The set of whole numbers is a subset of the set of integers. So the set of integers is the largest of these three sets.
The replacement set is given in the problem and is the domain for the problem (these numbers are used to replace x). The solution set are numbers calculated from the problem and is the range (these are y values that are answers from using the equation).
The set of integers (ℤ) is the set of the positive whole numbers and their additive opposites (the negative whole numbers).
The set of integers includes the set of whole numbers. The set of rational numbers includes the sets of whole numbers and integers.
Actually the set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers since the whole numbers include negative whole numbers and zero.
The set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers.
The set of natural numbers is a subset of the set of whole numbers. The set of whole numbers is a subset of the set of integers. So the set of integers is the largest of these three sets.
Zero (0) is in the set of whole number. The only difference between the set of whole numbers and counting numbers is that the whole numbers contain zero. {0,1,2,3...}
If you mean larger by "the set of whole numbers strictly contains the set of natural numbers", then yes, but if you mean "the set of whole numbers has a larger cardinality (size) than the set of natural numbers", then no, they have the same size.
Apart from zero (which is its own opposite), the opposites of whole numbers are also whole numbers. You have the set of whole numbers which is also known as the set of integers.
Whole numbers and natural numbers are the exact same, except that whole numbers include zero
Whole numbers are the set of natural or counting numbers inclding zero
No, it is not.