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Q: What is the solution to Raven's progressive matrix on page 78 in Outliers?
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If rank of the matrix is equal to no of variable then it have?

Then it has (not have!) a unique solution.

Solution to linear algebra problem?

It may or may not exist. If the matrix of coefficients is singular then there is no solution.

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When you have manipulated a matrix so that you can read the solution from it you have put it in reduced form.?


When you manipulated a matrix so that you can read the solution from it you have put it in reduced form?


Does matrix essentials have a dandruff shampoo?

Yes, it does! Matrix Essentials Actrol Dandruff Solution. Its active ingredient is zinc pyrithoine, same as Head & Shoulders.

Find a matrix A that is not invertible and b such that Ax equals b has a unique solution?

A matrix with a row or a column of zeros cannot have an inverse.Proof:Let A denote a matrix which has an entire row or column of zeros. If B is any matrix, then AB has an entire rows of zeros, or BA has an entire column of zeros. Thus, neither AB nor BA can be the identity matrix, so A cannot have an inverse, or A cannot be invertible.Since A is not invertible, then Ax = b has not a unique solution.

Is copper a solid solution?

Yes, copper is a solid solution of copper atoms in a copper matrix. It forms a solid solution when other elements, such as silver or nickel, are alloyed with copper as well.

What is the Font that the Baltimore Ravens use and where can you find it?

The font name is Matrix II Extra Bold, however the 'R' is modified from the original font and the original font can be found here:

How do i solve rank of a determinant?

Matrix inverses and determinants, square and nonsingular, the equations AX = I and XA = I have the same solution, X. This solution is called the inverse of A.

How can you solve if the determinant of 3 by 3 matrix is 2?

It isn't clear what you want to solve for. If you want to find the matrix, there is not a unique solution - there are infinitely many matrices with the same determinant.

What is the application for rank of the matrix?

Rank of a matrix is used to find consistency of linear system of equations.As we know most of the engineering problems land up with the problem of finding solution of a linear system of equations ,at that point rank of matrix is useful.