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pitter patter

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Q: What is the sound rain makes when it hits the ground?
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What is 1 cm rainfall?

Rain that fell and filled up one centimeter of the ground

Was there rain in the garden of Eden?

The Garden of Eden is a spiritual place, not a geographical one. If you think rain is good, then of course it rains there. If you think rain is bad, then of course it does not.On a Biblical note-no there wasn't. "Rain" was not used/created until the flooding of the earth. It was not in the original intent of God's plan (Eden).Genesis 2: 4-6 (NIV)This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the LORD God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to work the ground, 6 but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground" (NIV)The word "streams" has also been translated as "mist." So, instead of rain there was a mist that came up from the ground to water everything.

Why does one inch in an official rain gauge actually measure only one tenth of an inch of rain?

The inner container is tall and narrow, but 1 inch in the inner container is only 1/10 inch of rain. This makes it possible to obtain very accurate measurements--to 1/100 of an inch--of the amount of rainfall.

How do you measure the rain?

A Rain Guage

Does 60 percent of rain means its going to rain?

No. A 60% chance of rain means exactly what it sounds like: there is a 60% chance that it will rain. This also means that there is a 40% chance that it will not rain.

Related questions

How does rain make sound?

Rain makes sound when the droplets hit different surfaces such as the ground, rooftops, or vegetation. The impact of the droplets creates vibrations that produce the sound we hear as rain. The intensity of the sound can vary depending on the size and speed of the raindrops, as well as the material they are hitting.

What makes surfacant?

the sound of rain

What is Miley Cyrus Fave Sound?

Rain hitting the ground

Does rain have the long vowel?

No, the word "rain" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel 'a' in "rain" makes a short vowel sound similar to the 'a' in the word "cat."

A name of sound of rain hitting the ground?

Splat or plop?!

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What type of precipitation melts before it hits the ground?


What happens to rain when it hits the ground?

When rain hits the ground, it can either infiltrate into the soil, flow over the ground as surface runoff, or evaporate back into the atmosphere. The fate of the rainwater depends on factors such as the soil type, slope of the ground, and the amount of rainfall.

What is rain called that evaporates before it hits the ground?

Rain that evaporates before it hits the ground is called virga. It appears as streaks or wisps of precipitation in the sky but dissipates before reaching the surface due to evaporation.

Does rain harden water?

No Rain water is very soft. The harness of water is a result of the mineral content and rain water has a very low mineral content as it hits the ground or water on the ground.

What makes a river crest?

Rain hitting down hard on the ground makes rivers form.

What is the term for rain that dries before it hits the ground?

The term for rain that evaporates before reaching the ground is "virga." This phenomenon occurs when rain falls from clouds but evaporates due to dry air in the lower atmosphere, preventing it from reaching the surface.