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Q: What is the space occupied by Boolean?
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How do you measure the space occupied by solid objects?

Volume of an object is a measure of the space occupied by objects.

What is the volume of liquid?

The volume of a liquid is the amount of space occupied by the liquid.The volume of a liquid is the amount of space occupied by the liquid.The volume of a liquid is the amount of space occupied by the liquid.The volume of a liquid is the amount of space occupied by the liquid.

What is the space occupied by a substance's space?

It is the Volume.

What was the first permanently occupied space station?

The first permanently occupied space station was the Soviet space station Salyut 1, which was launched on April 19, 1971. It remained in orbit for 175 days and was crewed by multiple cosmonauts during its mission.

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What is space gel?

Gel is the hydrated cement while space is volume occupied by hydrated cement+capillary pores. Hence gel/space ratio is the fraction of volume occupied by hydrated cement in the total space occupied by hydrated cement and capillary pores

What sentence has the word occupied or occupying?

The parking space was occupied by another driver.

Are there people in space?

Yes, the International Space Station is occupied.

Space occupied by and object is?

It is volume

What is amount of the three-dimensional space enclosed within or occupied by an object geometric solid?

The space occupied by an object is its volume The space contained within a hollow object is its capacity.

What is the amount of space occupied by an object?

The answer is volume

What is the the space occupied by an object or fluid?
