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299,792,458 meters (186,242 miles) per second.

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Q: What is the speed of light as it travels through a vacuum?
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What happens when light passes through vacuum?

it travels at c (speed of light in a vacuum)

What materials can light travel through faster than it travels through air?

Light can travel faster through a vacuum than through air. In a vacuum, light travels at its maximum speed of about 299,792 kilometers per second. This is because there are no particles in a vacuum to slow down the light's speed.

Why is it important to explain the speed of light together with the medium in which the light travels?

The speed of light is dependent on the medium it travels through. Light travels fastest in a vacuum than in water or air.

Light travels through?

nothing, as in no molecules present

Which factors affect the velocity of light?

The velocity of light is affected by the medium it travels through. It travels fastest in a vacuum and slower in materials like air, water, or glass. It is also influenced by the frequency and wavelength of the light.

What happens to speed of light when they travel through a vacuum?

In a vacuum, light always travels at the same speed, about 300 000 kilometers per second.

What does light travel faster through?

Light travels faster through a vacuum than through any other medium, such as air, water, or glass. In a vacuum, light can travel at its maximum speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second.

Does light travels slowest through space?

Light travels fastest through space, as it does not encounter any obstacles to slow it down. In other mediums, such as air, water, or glass, light will travel at a slower speed due to interactions with the medium's particles.

What happens to speed of light when travel through plastic?

When light travels through anything that is not a vacuum, it will usually slow down.

Can light exceed its normal speed while refracting?

If you mean "normal speed" to be the speed at which light travels in a vacuum, then no. Anything that differs from light moving through a vacuum slows the light down to a certain extent.

Does light travel faster in glass than in a vacuum?

No, light travels slower in glass compared to a vacuum because the speed of light is affected by the medium through which it travels. In glass, light slows down due to interactions with the molecules in the material, leading to a reduction in its speed compared to a vacuum.

Why does the speed of light vary?

The speed of light varies because the absolute speed of light "C" is measured in a vacuum. When light travels through air, it goes slightly slower. When light travels through denser mediums still, such as glass, the speed decreases further still.