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Q: What is the sphere that strongly influences the other three spheres because without life their makeup and nature would be different?
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How can a change in one of the spheres of the earth system can affect one or more of the other spheres?

because when its changed the result is different so the others change. thanks bye my name is Z4 4012558245

Is it true that If two spheres have the same center but different radii they are called concentric spheres.?


How are circles and spheres different?

circle is flat and sphere is a ball

What is the distance between two spheres each with a charge?

The distance between two charged spheres affects the strength of the electrostatic force between them, given by Coulomb's law. The force decreases as the distance between the spheres increases. The distance influences the magnitude of the force between the spheres.

What are Islam's main spheres of influence?

Islam influences the whole life of Muslims. They are bound to spend their life strictly according to the teachings of Islam.

Why do scientists study earth as a system?

because its made up of many separate but interactive parts or spheres. They are studying how these spheres are interconnected.

How do you get the volume of a regular solid?

There are different formulae for different solids such as spheres or polyhedra.

What are the four spheres on and above the earth?

The four spheres on and above Earth are the lithosphere (solid land), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air around Earth), and biosphere (living organisms). Each sphere interacts and influences one another to create Earth's complex system.

Earth is comprised of four systems or spheres. Describe how these four spheres work together as a system.?

The four spheres of the Earth are the lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), and biosphere (living organisms). These spheres are interconnected and interact to support life on Earth. For example, the lithosphere provides habitat for the biosphere, the hydrosphere transports nutrients for living organisms, and the atmosphere influences weather patterns that affect all spheres. Together, they form a complex system where changes in one sphere can have ripple effects on the others.

How are circles and spheres are alike and different?

They are alike because they are both circular and have a surface area They are diferent in that a circle is 2 dimensional while a sphere is 3 dimensional

Why are the spheres representing nitrogen and oxygen different colors?

The colors of the spheres representing nitrogen and oxygen are different to help visually distinguish between the two elements. In this way, it is easier for viewers to identify each element in a molecule or chemical structure represented in a diagram or model.