It is impossible to answer the question because the units used for 96x117 are not known.
If the measurement 24x24 is in feet, then the room is 576 sq feet in area
the formula is LXW=sq feet & then sq feet divided by 9= sq yards 12X25=300 sq feet 300 sq feet divided by 9 sq feet per sq yard-33.33 sq yards to do a 12X25 room
Yes, at least twice. The room is 180 square feet.
144 sq feet
Assuming the room is 18 FEET by 14 FEET, the answer is 252 sq ft
If the measurement 24x24 is in feet, then the room is 576 sq feet in area
1440 sq ft
129 sq. feet = 14.33 sq. yards
the formula is LXW=sq feet & then sq feet divided by 9= sq yards 12X25=300 sq feet 300 sq feet divided by 9 sq feet per sq yard-33.33 sq yards to do a 12X25 room
Yes, at least twice. The room is 180 square feet.
144 sq feet
211 square feet is the room size.
260 square feet is the room size.
Assuming the room is 18 FEET by 14 FEET, the answer is 252 sq ft
351 sq feet or 39 sq yds
Sq metres or Sq feet