If you mean a circle, use the formula area = pi x radius2. Approximating pi by 3.14 should be close enough for most purposes.
11 square feet.
165 square feet
11*10 = 110 square feet
11 x11 = 121
area = 2*pi*radius**2area = 2*pi*(22/2)**2area = 242*piarea = 760.27 sqftImproved Answer:-The radius is 11 feet so the area = pi*112 = 380.133 square feet rounded to 3 decimal places
11 x 8 = 88 square feet
11 square feet.
165 square feet
A = 380 square feet.
There are 66 square feet.
The surface area of a rectangle that is 11 feet by 16 feet would be 11 times 16, or 176 square feet.
11*10 = 110 square feet
11 feet x 16 feet = 176 square feet.
132 square feet.
11 x11 = 121
A minimum of 121 square feet. Just multiply length by width - the answer is the square footage.
To convert square feet to square meters, you can use the conversion factor of 1 square meter being equal to approximately 10.764 square feet. So, to convert 14 feet x 11 feet to square meters, you first find the area in square feet by multiplying the two dimensions (14 x 11 = 154 square feet). Then, divide 154 by 10.764 to get approximately 14.3 square meters.