314.16 sq. ft.
8,758,257,663 sq ft
if you want the square footage, 15 ft x 20 ft is 300 square feet
Area of a circle = pi*radius2 measured in square feet
pi x square of radius gives area. 3.14 x 100 = 314 sqft.
314.16 sq. ft.
314.16 sq. ft.
8,758,257,663 sq ft
if you want the square footage, 15 ft x 20 ft is 300 square feet
200.96 ft squared
Area of a circle = pi*radius2 measured in square feet
pi x square of radius gives area. 3.14 x 100 = 314 sqft.
80 sq ft
area of 50' by 20' is 50 ft x 20 ft = 1000 sq ft.
Assuming that's 20 ft by 20 ft, 400 sq ft.
The area of a circle is pi*(radius)^2. If the 8 ft is the diameter, the area is pi*(4 ft)^2~=50.27 ft^2 (ft^2 is square feet)
A=3.14x5x5=78.5 sq. ft.